
ReMo Council Meetup 2014

On February 2014, the Mozilla Reps Council and module Peers met for 2 days at the Mozilla Paris office to discuss the future roadmap of the Mozilla Reps program. The idea was to discuss and solidify plans, vision and goals of the Mozilla Reps program in general to align with Mozilla’s organizational goals around growing the community towards the Million Mozillian goal.

The Mozilla Reps council was joined by William Reynolds (Community Tools, including reps.mozilla.org), Konstantina Papadea (Budget and Swag), Michelle Thorne (Foundation), Marcia Knous (QA), and Rosana Ardila (SUMO) as guests for the bi-annual meetup to provide their feedback on the discussions and help solidify the roadmap for the council in the upcoming year.

Group Picture

Day 1

The main topic of discussion for day one of the meetup was:

How can we improve the Reps program to better enable Mozilla Communities that have impact?

The two primary topic areas on day one were program structure / goals, and leadership. We broke into sub-groups to come up with the bottlenecks and problems in these areas. Solutions were kept aside for the upcoming sessions. Items were grouped into three different categories that we felt caught all we wanted to capture – Council and Peers, Mentors, Reps.

Apart from these we also had discussions on a larger spectrum of topics. Michelle talked about Teach The Web/Webmaker plans for the year and how Reps can support it. Here we also had a discussion about events in general and what would be the best way forward in supporting event organizers worldwide.

Tristan Nitot came in to talk about TRIBE and personal development. Kate Naszradi dialed in really early California time to give us an update on the fast growing Firefox Student Ambassadors Program. Then Mary Colvig and David Boswell joined to discuss the topic ‘Enable Communities that have Impact’, aka One Million Mozillians. How we are going to scale by 10x in 2014.

Day 2

On the second day, we basically threw out the written schedule, and decided to hack around a bit. The general mood of the room was to find solutions to the issues we identified on day one and start implementing them.

In the meanwhile, Pete Scanlon dropped in for a discussion on Engagement, the team’s role in 2014 Mozilla goals, and how Reps fit in and can make an impact. We also had a few more discussions on some other important topics that came up such as the Reps application process and how it can be improved.

Discussion with Pete Scanlon


The summary of what was discussed over the weekend can be expressed in a single line as:-

The goal for the ReMo program is that Mozilla Reps across the globe would be more engaged, empowered and enabled in the year 2014.

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