How-to Guides - Mozilla - Technology

Running Friendlycode – A local instance of Thimble

Here is a breakdown of how to run Friendlycode in 3 (maybe not-so-simple) steps.

Friendlycode Snapshot
Friendlycode – An Offline Thimble Instance.

Prerequisite: A static file server such as Apache.


  1. Download Friendlycode from here.
  2. Extract the contents of the friendlycode-gh-pages package into a directory named friendlycode within your file server’s document root. For example, in Apache you might want to put the friendlycode directory inside www/html or www or public_html based upon your Operating System’s preferences.
  3. You can then run a trivial embedding of Friendlycode from your browser by navigating to the examples/bare.html file within the friendlycode directory.

    Example: http://localhost/friendlycode/examples/bare.html

Additional features in Friendlycode:-

  1. Javascript: By default, Friendlycode doesn’t allow JS. An example of an embedding that allows JS and publishes using an alternate API can be run from the examples/alternate-publisher.html file.

    Example: http://localhost/friendlycode/examples/alternate-publisher.html

  2. Localization: Friendlycode currently uses Transifex for localization. To localize Friendlycode in your language, please visit the Transifex friendlycode project. Any strings you don’t translate will fall-back to English. To try out a localized version run the examples/transifex.html file.

    Example: http://localhost/friendlycode/examples/transifex.html

  3. Development: If you are a code ninja and want to play around with the dev-repository of Friendlycode, you can checkout the excellent file at Atul’s friendlycode repository at Github.

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